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NeuroHealth Solutions

Neuro Health & Wellness Plan

NeuroFitness Assessment®

NeuroHealth Solutions is focused on providing non-invasive, non-pharmacogenic alternatives. It starts with a NeuroFitness Assessment and Consultation.


A NeuroFitness Assessment is a proprietary, comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the brain and body.

Quantitative & Qualitative Measures


  • AST NeuroFitness Assessment

  • 19 Channel Clinical qEEG

  • Learning Disability Discriminant Analysis

  • TBI Discriminant Analysis

  • Network Injury Index

  • Heart Rate Variability & Coherence

  • Cerebral Vascular Integrity Analysis

  • Cognitive Performance Testing

  • Cognitive Emotional Checklist

Quantitative & Qualitative Measures


  • Neural Network Analysis

  • LORETA Analysis

  • Physiological Metabolic Assessment

  • Acute Stress Response Analysis

  • Interactive Self Inventory Assessment

  • Severity Symptom Checklist Match

  • AST Cognitive Performance Index Rating

  • AST Proprietary Protocols

Clinical QEEG

10/20 International electrode placement with the numerical analysis of electroencephalography data and associated behavioral correlates.


LORETA Analysis



Symptom Check List

A “Symptom Check List” (SCL) was developed with the goal of linking structure to function based on the spatial overlap of functional and clinical studies using fMRI, PET and EEG/MEG as well as the clinical neurological science of strokes, tumors and lesions.


AST Matrix Performance Rating Index



Acute Stress Response Assessment



Brain Performance Index

The Brain Performance Index (BPI) is an estimate of the efficiency of neural resource allocation and it is not designed to replace a neuropsychological test but rather to compliment neuropsychological evaluations especially where a patient has problems taking a conventional neuropsychological test or when one wants to rapidly repeat the test. The Weschler Intelligence test (i.e., mazes, coding, block design, digit span, picture completion, math, vocabulary, verbal I.Q., performance I.Q., full scale I.Q) and the EEG was recorded from 19 channels with a linked ears reference in the eyes closed condition from 339 normal control subjects, age 6 to 18 years of age.

EEG variables that correlated at P < .01 were entered into a multivariate regression analysis called the Brain Performance Index (BPI) in which individual neuropsychological sub-tests were the dependent variable and EEG Phase delays, EEG coherence, EEG amplitude asymmetry and EEG power were the independent variables. The multivariate regression equations, referred to as the Predicted Neuropsychological Score (PNS) also computes the + and – 95% confidence band as a EEG prediction of performance on each neuropsychological test. The correlation to I.Q. was approximately 0.58 and involved short time delays between the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain (faster resource allocation, elevated power (more energy) and lower coherence (high complexity). These three combined measures give rise to an overall prediction of the efficiency of neural resource allocation.


Cognitive Emotional Checklist



Cognitive Performance Battery



Interactive Self Inventory



Learning Disability Discriminant

Pattern recognition which provides a probability of detection of commonly present patterns in EEG. Evaluates the ability of the power spectrum of brain electrical activity to discriminate between age matched normal children and children diagnosed as learning disabled (LD) and correlate brain electrical activity with intelligence, school achievement and neuropsychological performance test scores. Traumatic Brain Injury Discriminant – Pattern recognition which provides a probability of detection of commonly present patterns in EEG. Measures of EEG power spectral analyses obtained from data comparison analyses of mild head trauma patients and age matched normal subjects.


Physiology & Metabolic Analysis



Neural Network Injury Index



Traumatic Brain Injury Discriminant

Pattern recognition programs to provide a probability of the detection of a pattern in the EEG that is commonly present in patients with a history of Mild Traumatic Brain Injured



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